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The Most Useful and Affordable Tissue Homogenizer on the Market: Bullet Blender Storm is a high-yield, high-throughput tissue homogenizer
Be the next lab to discover how fast, easy and effective your tissue homogenization protocols can be using the Next Advance Bullet Blender Storm! Next Advance's flagship product features their most powerful motor to disrupt, lyse and homogenize up to 24 tissue or cell culture samples at one time, making the Storm ideal for researchers who require both high-yield and high-throughput. The "bullets" inside the Storm voraciously strike the tubes inside to efficiently homogenize even tough tissue samples - such as mouse femur, tumor and skin - in just minutes. The Storm also features an air cooling system inside to preserve the integrity of your samples. You can even place the compact Bullet Blender Storm in a deli fridge or cold room to maintain cooler sample conditions.
Risk-Free Purchase
Bullet Blender units come with a 30 day money back guarantee and a 2 year warranty. The simple, reliable design enables the Bullet Blender to sell for one half to one fifth the price of ultrasonic or other bead-based homogenizers, yet provides an easier, quicker, cooler technique.
Homogenize Soft Tissue
Liver, Spleen, Kidney, Brain, Adipose
Homogenize Tougher Tissue
Heart, Aorta, Tumor, Tail Snips, Muscle, Lung
Lyse Cells
E. coli, Mamallian cell culture, Yeast
Homogenize Plant Material
Leaves, Beans, Nuts, Roots
Homogenize Small Organisms
Zebrafish, Drosophila
Whole Cell Isolation
Bacteria, Lymphocytes, Blood Cells
Organelle Isolation
Nucleus, Mitochondria
Need to see the results for yourself? Please contact us to schedule an on-site demo of the Bullet Blender.